The Ultimate Guide to Deep Cleaning Your Home for Maximum Comfort


Deep house cleaning can be a task that we all put off for some time. It can be very time-consuming and difficult to keep on top of which is why people try to clean 2 to 3 times a week, keeping on top of the things that are part of the deep clean. 

To ensure you are not overwhelmed when deep cleaning your home, there are a few ways to make it more manageable and enjoyable. So, let’s tuck into this guide on how to deep clean your home. 

How to Deep Clean Your Property

As you go through cleaning your home, there are a few things that you need to do to ensure your home is spotless. These minor tasks are what help with your deep clean so let them do them in order. 


One of the first things that you will need to do is ensure all worktops and the floor. Once you declutter, you can make your tidying process a lot easier. This includes things on top of desks, under desks, behind doors and anything on the floor. Things that you wouldn’t vacuum up or mop/sweep off the floor. Not only will this help with the cleaning process but it will also reduce your cleaning time. 

Start from The Top and Work Your Way Down

Don’t make the mistake of starting to clean from the bottom and work your way up. Instead, start from the top and work your way down. This is because you will be wiping things off your desk and kitchen tops onto the floor. 

For surfaces that are close to the floor such as coffee tables, consider using warm water with a small drop of cleaning fluid to wipe these surfaces. In a bathroom, put white vinegar with your cleaning fluid to stop mould and mildew from building up due to the condensation. 

Remove Dust

Removing dust is the next step that you need to do as this tends to be here there and everywhere, including all rooms. Whether that is your conservatory, living room or kitchen, you can guarantee it will have dust there. Insulation can help to reduce dust even though that is not its primary design. Whether it is conservatory roof insulation or roof insulation in your loft, it can all help to reduce dust. Dehumidifiers can also help to reduce dust in your homes and if you have a Dyson fan, this can also help with dust reduction after your big clean. 

Start On The Windows

Windows can get ridiculously dirty and you only notice when the sun shines through. Here you will need to vacuum the window sills and the tracks of your blinds as these can gather a lot of dust. Spray your windows with a glass cleaner and leave it a couple of minutes before you start to wipe the window. 

Use Window Treatment

Using window treatment is something else that you will need to do with your deep clean. This includes taking down curtains and blinds. Put these into the dryer so you don’t need to worry about scrubbing the curtains or blinds. 

Deep Clean Your Flooring

To some people, this will be the most fun part of deep cleaning because it is at the end and large surface areas tend to be much easier to clean however, it tends to be the part where you have to put the most graft in as it includes sweeping and mopping the floor. 

When you are cleaning your floor, double-check to see if you have picked everything up from the floor. If you have carpets, you don’t want to vacuum and hear bits and pieces go up your vacuum. Additionally, move all chairs out of the way so it makes it easier for you to vacuum. Make sure you have a smaller attachment to get behind cupboards, drawers and wardrobes. 

Once you have cleaned your carpets, it will then be time to put down some carpet freshener. This will make your home smell like it has been deep cleaned and can help get rid of the smell of cleaning products. 

The Finishing Touches

Now that you have done all of the dirty work, the next step is to clean your bedding, sofa throws, towels and bath mats. You have cleaned everything else so why not clean those? After all, these are the items that make the whole house smell better. There is nothing better than the fresh smell of towels and bedding so make sure you give those a wash before you finish up your deep clean. 


There are many things that you will need to do as part of your big deep clean. However, now you have this checklist, it should make it a lot easier. Remember to clean the microwave, oven and everything else that is needed for a deep clean.